In Sakhalin Region, investigator of MIA of Russia regional Administration completed investigation of criminal case of buying up illegally harvested crab

“An investigator of the Investigative Department of the MIA of Russia Administration for the Sakhalin Region completed the preliminary investigation of a criminal case against four members of an organized group. Local residents are accused of knowingly acquiring and selling criminally obtained property.

According to the investigation, a local woman together with her cohabitant, son and brother organized the illegal purchase, processing and sale of Kamchatka crab, knowing well that the aquatic bio-resources had been illegally harvested.

While transporting a large consignment of criminal goods, two vehicles driven by the suspect and her cohabitant were detained by police officers. During the inspection of the vehicles, more than 190 specimens of crab without authorization documents were seized. The third vehicle with more than 20 crab specimens was found on a land-plot owned by the suspect. An illegal processing and storage facility was also located there.

The illegal activity was suppressed by operatives of the Criminal Investigation Department of the MIA of Russia Administration for the Sakhalin Region in cooperation with officers of the MIA of Russia Division for the Dolinsky Urban District.

At present, the criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 3 of Article 175 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, with an indictment approved by the prosecutor has been sent to court for consideration on the merits,” said the Spokesperson for the Russian MIA Irina Volk.

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